Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

The life of Little Scarb

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Got My First Tooth Today!

We got some big news today! Luke's first tooth has come out this morning.

Congratulations Luke!

Big Boy in the Crib!

I've been meaning to post this for a while. In the last couple of weeks Luke has accomplished few new things. One more significant is that he's being able to get up on his feet in his crib. Yesterday we had to lower the mattress down so he wouldn't fall out of the crib. As you can see in the pictures, he loves sitting there now and he has so much fun getting up on his feet while he is in it.
As you can imagine, this has made Steven and I more worried, and now I have to run into his room every morning at 5 am to feed him and put him down. By the time I get to him, he already is sitting up and playing with his toys.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I am 7 Months Old!

Luke is seven months old today! Wow, I can't believe it! He's growing up too fast. Here are few pictures from this morning. We've been enjoying ourselves today and having too much fun.

Happy 7th Month B-Day baby Luke!-Love, mommy and daddy

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekend at the Grandparents

This past weekend Luke and I spent it at my parents since Steven was out of town. We had a great time with my mom and dad. We got to hang in their garden which Luke loves. Also, this weekend Luke went to our church for the first time. We are very proud of him today since he did so well in the nursery. He is growing up too fast!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Few Precious Moments Captured Recently

Here are some pictures of Luke that I took over the last few days. Luke's been busy lately with all kinds of things and on top of all that a couple of teeth are coming in. No fun! Despite all that, he still continues to have fun as much as he can. He loves watching his Baby Einstein video-one and only Baby Bach. Recently we've started taking a class at the Little Gym. The class is called Bugs and we go once a week. We've met so many new faces. Luke enjoys meeting other babies and their moms. He loves the class and the instructor loves Luke-while other kids are exercising Luke likes to watch her and jump at the same time.

Sweet September

September has finally arrived and we are enjoying it here in Texas. Yesterday we had an amazing weather-low 80's and sunshine. Luke and I took advantage of it and got our for couple of hours. As you will see in the pictures below, we just had a blast. We hope to have many more of these days to come. We both love hanging out in our yard or taking a stroller ride in our neighborhood.